Shorts: which model to wear when you have some cellulite?

Cellulite affects nearly 80% of women, regardless of their age and weight. It does not only affect curvy women, there are thin women who also have cellulite. It is not a disease, but unsightly marks. It should not be a handicap since it affects most women, you must know how to conceal them intelligently, especially with the summer and the shorts that are at the rendezvous. How to choose shorts then to camouflage cellulites on the thighs?

The combi-short

Cellulite is an unsightly mark linked to hormones. It has nothing to do with weight in general. Therefore, for women who are thin enough, but have a little cellulite, the combi-short can be very well chosen. Just avoid too short cuts that show all the thighs, prefer mid-thigh lengths that camouflage half the cellulites. Wear a midriff- baring combi-short and play with the top to attract more attention, a strapless

combi-short for example.

Prefer fluid materials than tight ones to avoid tightening the thighs and letting the cellulites appear more. The flowery combi-shorts really make the effect.

The Bermuda shorts

A nice pair of Bermuda shorts made of light material will also make an impression. In order not to give the impression of a boy scout or an adventurer looking for the last dinosaur, you should leave the multi-pocket shorts aside. Especially since they draw attention to the thighs. Prefer mid-thigh shorts with loose fitting cuts. This type of shorts is made for tall women, if you are short, choose another model of shorts.

The high waist shorts

This model of shorts is perfectly suited to women with cellulite. It marks well the size and proportions the top and bottom of the body. It highlights the curves.

Always prefer the mid-thigh length. Models that are too short reveal all the unsightly cellulites, models that are too long sully the morphology. Choose the middle length. Avoid shorts that are too tight and that emphasize all the thighs and curves. Prefer slightly flared models.

For the choice of materials, leave aside the lycra or extremely thin fabrics, as they mould and only and bring out the imperfections of your legs. Go for thick or fluid materials. As for the colors, avoid the light ones as they let you guess the nature of what is underneath. Choose basic colors like black or khaki.

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